Getting Investors & Asset Owners top quartile returns
Return Energy International was started in order to provide assistance to International oil and gas investors, seeking to acquire energy assets across the globe.
Return Energy International has also provided start-up and comprehensive technical and management oversight on assets acquired by our investors.
REI has represented numerous international investors seeking to acquire oil and gas assets
REI has assisted investors establish their business entity in the USA
REI has provided staffing, office platforms and operations, marketing and regulatory compliance support.
REI has assisted investors to successfully execute their projects in North America
Founder and CEO
Amy is a geologist by education, having advanced degrees from Jilin University (MSc Geology/GeoStatistics, 1987) and from Syracuse University (MSc Environmental Science, 1992). Amy was the Founder and President of GNT International, Inc. from 1995-2012, providing E&P software sales, support, training, customization and integration into China markets. From 2008 through 2012 she was also the President of SGT, Beijing, an oil and gas service company providing a wide array of G&G and Engineering services across China. In 2014, Amy “returned” from China and settled in Houston TX, launching Return Energy International. She enjoys connecting people to opportunity.
Jeff is a geologist with extensive technical and managerial experience spanning 35+ years. He has expertise in diverse petroleum provinces, with job postings spanning 30 years for ConocoPhillips in Indonesia, Norway, China, UK, and Houston. Jeff held positions at ConocoPhillips as a technical contributor and team leader, Chief Geologist of the Exploration Production-Technology division and Vice President of Exploration and Exploitation for COP’s Indonesia and China offices from 2001-2010. Post 2010 Mr. Bruce has focused on Lower 48 conventional and unconventional plays, with roles as an Independent Consultant, Regional Manager for an energy services company, and from May 2014 through Aug 2015, as CEO for S.T.L. Resources, LLC, an emerging independent E&P company. Jeff joined REI in April 2016.
Senior Geologist
Ed brings 35+ years experience of exploration and operational geology, working with numerous companies including EOG.
Mr. Haiping Ni has over 20 years’ experiences in the financial industry and oil and gas industry. Prior to Return Energy, Haiping co-founded LSNA Energy Group in 2013, which is an upstream oil & gas company focusing on investments, development and operations of the oil and gas assets in the United States. Prior to LSNA, he worked as a managing director for 8 years at Access America Investments, LLC (AAI) which is a private equity fund management company located in Houston. Before that, Haiping worked for 7 years at Tianjin Economic & Technological Development Area (TEDA). Haiping has an MBA degree in Finance and Entrepreneurship from Rice University.